Ed Garcia

Ed Garcia

Professor Ed Garcia served as a framer of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. He worked as a researcher at Amnesty International and a peace envoy at International Alert for over two decades.

He taught political science at the University of the Philippines and Latin American Studies at the Interdisciplinary Department of the Ateneo de Manila University. He lectured regularly at the Escola de Pau at the Universitat de Barcelona, the Montesole Centro di Pace, and the Universita di Bologna. He was also a visiting fellow at New Zealand’s Peace Centre at the University of Otago.

He helped to establish Lakasdiwa in the 70s and Kaakbay in the 80s, Kilos, the Coalition for Peace, the Multi-Sectoral Peace Advocates, and the National Peace Conference in the 90s.

He wrote the Filipino Quest Trilogy and A Journey of Hope in the late 80s, edited Pilgrim Voices and accounts of the Waging Peace Conferences in the Philippines in the ‘90s, as well as a series of monographs for International Alert dealing with work on the Philippines, Colombia, and Burundi in the 2000s, as well as the first Code of Conduct for Conflict Transformation Work in 1998 and Comparative Learning on Peace Processes in 2006. He authored Courage! (2018), Servant Leader: Leni Robredo (2020) and co-edited Companions! XJ Narratives (2021). 

Married to Teresita de Jesus Garcia, he is father to Nathalia Angela Acuna-Bekalti, Johnfort Acuna, Mala Acuna, and Renzo Garcia, Rogifort (+) and grandfather to Leila, Lilia, Luna, and Mika.

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