Asia Center Student Organization Grants
The Harvard University Asia Center offers grants to undergraduate and graduate student organizations for transnational or comparative projects involving two or more countries or regions in East, South, and Southeast Asia OR single-country projects in Southeast Asia. Projects relating to the Asian diaspora and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) studies will also be considered. These grants are offered on an ongoing basis; however, organizations are encouraged to apply as early as possible, as funds are limited. Applications must be submitted at least one month in advance of the event or project start date.
Application Requirements
There are 3 required application items. Review will not take place until applications are complete.
- Common Application Form: Please fill out the Application Form below. This includes contact information, organization details, project details, funding request, and signature. This form must be saved and attached as a Word file or PDF.
- Written confirmation of application approval by your organization’s faculty advisor. This confirmation letter or copy of email must be attached as one Word file or PDF.
- Project Proposal: Your proposal must provide details for the project purpose, plan, date/time/location, and proposed/confirmed participants. Please include with your submission a draft program with relevant accompanying materials. This proposal must be attached as one Word file or PDF.
Grant recipients are expected to use funds as described in the original proposal unless otherwise noted. Awards are based on the original proposal and any changes must be submitted to the Asia Center for approval. The Asia Center reserves the right to adjust awards.
Recipients are required to submit to the Asia Center a written (1-2) page report within two weeks of the end date. The report should detail the use of the grant and the work accomplished, including the number of attendees and any publicity or materials created for the activity. The report should also include at least one high-resolution photograph.
Please submit your application and/or address any questions to Julie Story at
Rolling; at least one month in advance of the event or project start date