Publications Program
Harvard University Asia Center titles in print may be purchased from our distributor, Harvard University Press.
Through collaborations with Brill (500+ titles), JSTOR (500+ titles), Project Muse (400+ titles), ProQuest (400+ titles), and the ACLS Humanities E-book Program, nearly all of our books—even those that have gone out of print—are now available digitally. A book’s digital edition is usually published about one year after the release of the print book. Please visit each vendor’s website to learn more and to browse the Asia Center E-book collections.
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Reinventing Examination and the State in Twentieth Century China and Taiwan [forthcoming in Fall 2025]

Echoes from the Sino-Burmese Borderlands: Untold Stories of Overland Chinese Migrants During the Cold War [forthcoming in Fall 2025]

Shinto Shrines in Prewar and Wartime Japan [forthcoming in Fall 2025]

Experimentalist Constitutions: Subnational Policy Innovations in China, India, and the United States