Southeast Asia Lecture Series - Past Events

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December 13, 10:00 AM EST
The Creolization of a Diaspora Before Genocide: Cases from the History of Cham Religious Communities in Cambodia
William Noseworthy, Visiting Fellow, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University
Discussant: Teren Sevea, Harvard Divinity School

November 30, 5:30 PM EST
Indonesian Historical Fiction: Translating Ashadi Siregar's (2017) Novel, Rejection: A Sumatran Odyssey
Jennifer Lindsay, Australian National University
Discussant: Annette Lienau, Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University

November 8, 10:00 AM EST
Mobilizing for Elections: Patronage and Political Machines in Southeast Asia
Allen Hicken, University of Michigan
Meredith Weiss, University at Albany

October 19, 10:00 AM EST
Finding Better Brokers: Voter Mobilization Networks in Indonesia
Seth Soderborg, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Government, Harvard University
Discussant: Mattias Fibiger, Harvard Business School

September 28, 10:00 AM EST
Authoritarian Modernization Under Sukarno
Farabi Fakih, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Discussant: Mattias Fibiger, Harvard Business School

April 19, 2021
Writing Muslim Women into Southeast Asian History
Barbara Watson Andaya, Department of Asian Studies, University of Hawai'i
Discussant: Teren Sevea, Harvard Divinity School

April 5, 2021
Mainline Islam: Islamic Associational Life in Indonesia
Kevin Fogg, Associate Director of the Carolina Asia Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Discussant: Teren Sevea, Harvard Divinity School

March 22, 2021
People in Motion: Notes on the Malay Annals of Sěmarang and Cěrbon
Boyi Chen, Associate Professor of History, Xiamen University
Discussant: Teren Sevea, Harvard Divinity School

March 10, 2021
Financial Injustice: Predatory Relations and Urban Fraud in Jakarta
Doreen Lee, Northeastern University
Moderator: Annette Lienau, Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University
Discussant: Malavika Reddy, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University

February 16, 2021
From Sarandib, Via Lanka, To Ceylon: Exile and Memory in the Colonial Age
Ronit Ricci, Departments of Asian Studies and Religion, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Discussant: Teren Sevea, Harvard Divinity School

November 23, 2020
Book Talk: Monks in Motion: Buddhism and Modernity Across the South China Sea (Oxford, 2020)
Jack Meng-Tat Chia, Assistant Professor of History and Religious Studies at the National University of Singapore
Moderator: Annette Lienau, Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University
Discussant: Charles S. Hallisey, Yehan Numata Senior Lecturer on Buddhist Literatures, Harvard Divinity School

November 5, 2020
"Oh, You With the Body of Clouds!": Gender & Difference in 14th Century East Java
Kaja M. McGowan, Associate Professor of History of Art, Cornell University
Moderator: Annette Lienau, Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University

October 1, 2020
Ambivalent Fatherland: The Chinese National Salvation Movement in Malaya and Java, 1937-1941
Kankan Xie, Assistant Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, Peking University
Moderator: Annette Lienau, Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University


The Southeast Asia Lecture Series is organized by Professor Mattias Fibiger, Harvard Business School; Professor Annette Lienau, Department of Comparative Literature, Professor Malavika Reddy, Department of Anthropology; Professor Teren Sevea, Harvard Divinity School; Jorge Espada, Harvard Asia Center; and Yang Qu, Department of South Asian Studies.


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